Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hello, again.

Hello... many things happened from the time I wrote my last post. My major professor moved to a different university and I changed a little bit my research orientation. It is still data mining, but more related now to data bases. That change is to be expected since now I am in a data bases research group. However, I am still mixing up computer vision with data bases and data mining techniques. Hope you like this new orientation, don't worry, it is going to be fun for readers and also the author of this blog.

Generally, I do not like to say neither hello or bye as I always like to act like I know a person since a lot of time before and I do not like to think that I will never see that person, respectively. So this post is intended to be short :).

More posts are coming soon. Sorry, the previous ones were more technical reviews of interesting papers, now it is going to be more intuitive. My word.

- Omar.

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